Faculty of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Tabriz, P.O. Box: 51666-16471, Tabriz, Iran.
This study aims to synthesize a novel low-cost adsorbent in the form of film prepared by natural and available sources of elderberry kernel, with an easy preparation method and an efficiency higher than 90% in the adsorption of crystal violet dye. By investigating the effects of various parameters, including pH, adsorbent dose, temperature, contact time and dye initial concentration, the optimum conditions to reach the maximum adsorption were determined. Results showed that the maximum adsorption efficiency is 94.24 %, which is obtained under optimal conditions of pH = 8, adsorbent dose 1 g/l, temperature 25 °C, contact time 90 min and dye initial concentration 10 mg/l. Isotherm and kinetic models reveal that the adsorption is physical and favourable, and equilibrium data are more compatible with Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models. The maximum adsorption capacity of adsorbent was calculated to be 30.30 mg/g. Thermodynamic investigation showed that the adsorption is spontaneous and exothermically. Desorption studies also stated that after several consecutive removal steps, the adsorption capacity is still favourable.
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Chaharkam, M. , and Tahmasebpoor, M. . "Preparation of a New Adsorbent Film Based on Magnetic Activated Carbon/ Alginate and Evaluation of its Efficiency in Crystal Violet Removal from Water", Journal of Color Science and Technology, 17, 2, 2023, 169-188.
Chaharkam, M., Tahmasebpoor, M. (2023). 'Preparation of a New Adsorbent Film Based on Magnetic Activated Carbon/ Alginate and Evaluation of its Efficiency in Crystal Violet Removal from Water', Journal of Color Science and Technology, 17(2), pp. 169-188.
M. Chaharkam and M. Tahmasebpoor, "Preparation of a New Adsorbent Film Based on Magnetic Activated Carbon/ Alginate and Evaluation of its Efficiency in Crystal Violet Removal from Water," Journal of Color Science and Technology, 17 2 (2023): 169-188,
Chaharkam, M., Tahmasebpoor, M. Preparation of a New Adsorbent Film Based on Magnetic Activated Carbon/ Alginate and Evaluation of its Efficiency in Crystal Violet Removal from Water. Journal of Color Science and Technology, 2023; 17(2): 169-188.