The manuscript should be written on A4 size using Microsoft Word software. Also, the original text should be in a single column, with the Persian text in B Nazanin and the Latin text in Times New Roman font. Page margins should be 2.5 cm on the top, bottom, left, and right. There should be 1.5 cm between lines The text must be in 1.5 cm line spacing, and be adjusted from right to left.
Each paper consists of the following sections:
English and Persian titles are concise and appropriate to the content in a maximum of 12 words with B Nazanin, 16 point size, Bold and Times New Roman 14 point size, Bold.
The authors names must be written in Persian and English, and the corresponding author should be marked with *.
Author(s) information, including the affiliations, and addresses of all authors, should be sent on a separate page (11-point B Nazanin, and 10-point Times New Roman,).
An abstract should contain at least 90 words and a maximum of 170 words in a single column, stating the goal, the key results, and the essential conclusion. The abstract should not be general and descriptive, and no references should be mentioned (B Nazanin, 12 point size, Normal, and Times New Roman, 11 point size, Normal).
Four to six words should be written with B Nazanin, 12 point size, Bold, and Times New Roman, 11 point size, Bold.
* Abstracts and keywords should be in English and Persian.
The text of the article should be written in B Nazanin, 12 point size, Normal and Times New Roman, 10 point size, Normal, which includes the following sections:
It States the general description of the topic, review of the background, and research aims.
This part includes materials (purity and manufacturer's details), specifications of the used devices, and the research method.
Note: In modeling papers, use the title of modeling instead of the experimental part.
It should explore the significance of experimental or modeling work results, drawing attention to essential details in tables and figures.
The main conclusions of the study are presented in a short Conclusions section.
Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc., should be placed in a separate section. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. The location of this paragraph is at the end of the article before the reference part.
Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text . The caption appears below the graphic and above a table. The captions of the figures and tables should be written in Persian and English. The title used in the figure axis should have a unit, and the description of the diagrams should be given in the legend. The text and numbers contained in the figures must be written in English (as examples).
The references are based on the Vancouver style in this journal. When using Endnote or Mendley software to cite sources, follow the Vancouver style. References must be numbered consecutively in the order they are mentioned with numbers in parentheses ( ). To cite multiple sources in a text section with consecutive numbers, put a dash (-) between the first and last number. For example: (2-6). To cite multiple sources with non-consecutive numbers, separate them with a comma. For example: (2, 4, 7). The reference list at the end of the manuscript should follow the order of citation in the text. Each source gets a number. All references must be in English. To refer to Persian articles and books, they should be translated into English and the word "In Persian" must be mentioned at the end. Include DOI for English articles and DOR for Persian articles.
The format of references is as follows:
One author only: Number of reference. Author(s). Title. Edition (if not first edition). Secondary author (if needed, e.g. translator). Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
1. Bryman A. Social research methods. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2008.
Between two and six authors: Number of reference. Author(s). Title. Edition (if not first edition). Secondary author (if needed, e.g. translator). Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
1. Martini F, Bartholomew EF. Essentials of anatomy and physiology. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson; 2014.
More than six authors: For more than six authors, list the first six authors in order and then add et al.
Smith GA, Johson T, Turner PW, Robinson H, Francis BN, Chapman A, et al.
2- Book chapter:
Number of reference. Author(s) of section. Title of section. In: Editor(s). Title of book [Medium e.g. Internet]. Edition (if not first edition). Secondary author (if needed, e.g. translator). Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [Date of update/Date of revision/Date of citation].
1. Partridge H, Hallam G. Evidence-based practice and information literacy. In: Lipu S, Williamson K, Lloyd A. (eds.) Exploring methods in information literacy research. Wagga Wagga, Australia: Centre for Information Studies; 2007.149–70.
3- Journals:
Between two and six authors: Number of reference. Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Year of publication; Volume(Issue):page number. doi.
1. Tang CY, Yang Z, Guo H, Wen JJ, Nghiem LD, Cornelissen E. Potable water reuse through advanced membrane technology. Environ Sci Technol. 2018;52(18):10215–23.
More than six authors: For more than six authors, list the first six authors in order and then add et al.
1. Berlin CI, Bordelon J, Jhon PS, Wilensky D, Hurley A, Kluka E, et al. Reversing click polarity may uncover auditory neuropathy in infants. Ear Hear. 1998;19(1):37-47.
* Use journal abbreviations in references.
For Persian Journal: Persian publications must have an English reference and a DOR code. Add in persian at the end.
4- Conference Proceedings:
Number of reference. Author(s) of paper. Title of paper. In: Editor(s). Title of book. Conference title; Date of conference; Place of conference. Secondary author (if needed, e.g. translator). Place of publication: Publisher; Page range.
1. Bingham R, Tsytovich VN. Dust growth in astrophysical plasmas. In: Bharuthram R, Hellberg MA, Shukla PK, Verheest F, editors. Dusty plasmas in the new millennium. Proceedings of the 3rd conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas; 2002 May 20-24; Durban, South Africa. New York: American Institute of Physics; 2002.126-134.
5- Thesis/ dissertation:
Number of references. Author. Title [Medium]. [Place of publication]: Publisher; Date.
1. Finnegan KS, Linguistic variation, stability and change in middle-class Sheffield English [PhD thesis]. [Sheffield]: University of Sheffield; 2011.
6- Electronic database:
Number of reference. Author (if available). Title [Type of medium]. Edition (if available, e.g. American ed.) Place of Publication: Publisher; Date of publication [Date of update; date of revision]. Available from: (e.g. URL)
1. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP): Making sense of evidence [Internet]. Oxford: CASP; 2013 [cited 2015 Aug 1]. Available from:
7- Patent:
Number of reference. Author Surname(s) and Initial(s). Patent name or description. Patent number, Year of Issue.
1. Bruxelles GN. Nitrocellulose coating composition for metals. US435066A, 1954.
8- Standard:
Number of reference. Issuing Organization Name. Standard Number. Title of Standard. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
1. International Organization for Standardization. ISO 13485:2016. Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Regulatory Purposes. Geneva: ISO; 2016.
Mathematical equations and chemical reactions should not be formatted as pictures and should be inserted using the "Insert Equations" function in word software. Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper.