Textile engineering department, University of Guilan, P.O. Box: 41635- 3756, Rasht, Iran
The textile dyeing industries' wastewater is classified as a highly toxic composition of toxic compounds, and their release into the environment causes a severe biotic risk to the ecosystem. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising technology for treating textile wastewater and corresponding electricity generation. This work studied the decolorization mechanism of Reactive Blue 4 (RB4) and acid Red 88 (AR88) dyes in the binary mixture in an MFC using baker's yeast. The decolorization of dyes was analyzed using spectrophotometry methods: UV-Vis, FTIR, and COD measurements. The results showed that the decolorization on the first day was taken place very fast, which can be attributed to biosorption and bioaccumulation mechanisms. Analyzing the FTIR spectrum revealed that the decolorization was also caused by biological decomposition on the fourth and fifth days. The decolorization efficiency for the two dyes differed after the fifth day, and the final decolorization of AR88 and RB4 was 96 % and 85 %. The COD removal of synthetic wastewater from treatment was 87 %.
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Kanafchian, M. , Noroozi, B. and Akbari Dogolsar, M. (2022). Evaluation of Decolorization Mechanism of Bicomponent Dye Wastewater During Treatment in the Microbial Fuel Cell. Journal of Color Science and Technology, 16(2), 147-159.
Kanafchian, M. , , Noroozi, B. , and Akbari Dogolsar, M. . "Evaluation of Decolorization Mechanism of Bicomponent Dye Wastewater During Treatment in the Microbial Fuel Cell", Journal of Color Science and Technology, 16, 2, 2022, 147-159.
Kanafchian, M., Noroozi, B., Akbari Dogolsar, M. (2022). 'Evaluation of Decolorization Mechanism of Bicomponent Dye Wastewater During Treatment in the Microbial Fuel Cell', Journal of Color Science and Technology, 16(2), pp. 147-159.
M. Kanafchian , B. Noroozi and M. Akbari Dogolsar, "Evaluation of Decolorization Mechanism of Bicomponent Dye Wastewater During Treatment in the Microbial Fuel Cell," Journal of Color Science and Technology, 16 2 (2022): 147-159,
Kanafchian, M., Noroozi, B., Akbari Dogolsar, M. Evaluation of Decolorization Mechanism of Bicomponent Dye Wastewater During Treatment in the Microbial Fuel Cell. Journal of Color Science and Technology, 2022; 16(2): 147-159.