Effect of Measurement Geometry on the Colorimetry of Glossy White Samples

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Color Physics, Institute for Color, Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The measurement geometry affects the results of the instrumental assessment of the color and appearance of objects. In the present study, the results of property measurement of different eight-glossy white samples and six-glossy color Munsell were considered with two variant forms of the geometries, i.e., 45°a:0° and di:8°. The color coordinates with the CIE whiteness index and tint were evaluated. These results shown for the glossy color Munsell samples; there is an average of 10 units of DE*ab in CIELAB color space between di:8° and 45°a:0° geometry, which can sometimes reach to about 15 units. For the glossy white samples, although the specular component was removed at 45°a:0° measuring results from the reflectance data, the lightness, hue, and chroma attributes did not show noticeable change. Therefore, an average of 0.88 units of DE*ab between two measurement geometry on glossy white samples proved the results of measuring could be, to some extent, device-geometry independent. 


Main Subjects

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