The Effect of Nanomaterials on Dyed Handmade Carpet with Weld Natural Dye

Document Type : Original Article


1 Iran Carpet Scientific Association

2 Faculty of Textile Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Expert of Iran National Carpet Center


Nowadays, considering the quality of Iran handmade carpet and the economic importance of this industry, there is a growing need for research on the application of nanoparticles on natural fibers and the improvement of its physical and dyeing properties. In this study, firstly, woolen yarns were mordanted with alum and acetic acid, and then dyed with weld natural dye. After dyeing, carpet was woven and it was treatment in three stages with three types of Nano-silver, Nano-titanium dioxide and Nano-alumina oxide. Then, morphologic properties, color values and color strength of samples, self-cleaning, moisture absorption time, contact angle, deodorizing properties, chemical and anti-bacterial activities of samples have been investigated. The results showed that the hydrophilic properties and redness and brightness values of samples is improved. Also, color strength of samples was reduced. Evaluation of the deodorizing properties of the samples after finishing treatment was suitable. Moreover, the antimicrobial properties of the specimens against E. coli and S. aureus microbes were very good.


Main Subjects

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