Analysis the Criteria of Solar Trasmittance from Stained Glasses Used in Some of the Orosis from Safavid Dynasty


1 Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Energy and Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran


This research aims to complete previous studies on advantages of stained glass used in traditional Persian architecture. A research method combined of laboratory measurements, field surveys and numerical calculations was employed. Firstly, spectral transmittance of glazing samples were measured by spectrophotometer. Next, percentage of using each glass in each Orosi window were specified by field surveys; ultimately, the solar transmittance factors of each Orosi window were quantified based on the optical characteristics of individual glass samples, and percentage of using each of them in the Orosi window. The results indicated that although Orosi windows decrease transmission of visible light, but they reduce transmission of wavelengths harmful to human skin and damaging for materials, more than the reduction of visible light transmittance.
