Determining Correlation Factors Regarding the Color Pyramid Test and Cattell’s Personality Questionnaire


1 Department of Color Imaging and Color Image Processing, Institute for Color Science and Technology

2 Center of Excellence for Color Science and Technology, Institute for Color Science and Technology


The present research is an attempt to explore possible correlations between various factors defined by two distinct and well known standard personality test procedures.(i.e. the color pyramid test and the Cattell personality Questionnaire). To this end 100 middle class twelve year old boys were tested firstly by the color pyramid test entailing color arrangements pyramid form from which 24 interpretable factors were extracted. The same group of boys were asked to fill the well known 14-factor Cattell’s questionnaire having 142 questions to obtain the well established personality factors in psychology. Statistical parameters such as F(one factor regression), R² (squared coefficient of multiple correlation) and T (significant effects) were calculated. From such parameters the common co-variants factors were extracted in order verify whether it is possible to use the Cattell questionnaire as an alternative to the color pyramid test in order to evaluate deep personality factors.
