Investigation of Tinted Glazing’s Effect in Transmission of Daylight and Energy in the Visible Spectrum


1 Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Energy and Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran


Windows with tinted glazing transmit the light in various colors. They can prevent from transmission of a large amount of suns spectrum and work as a sun-control. To investigate this effect, nine Persian vernacular Orsis have been chosen as case studies and the window geometry and glazing color combination of them were studied and drawn. Then the transmission from four colors of their glazings has been measured by the use of spectrophotometer and the amount of energy and daylight passing through the whole window has been calculated. The results show that the energy transmittance of the Orsi is approximately one third as much as the amounts of transmitted energy from standard float glass, if the inward emission from the glazing surface is prevented. Also some applicable methods have been suggested for the optimized light transmission for the cooling dominated regions.
