A Process for Recovering of Anthracene from Tar of Isfahan Coal Tar Co. and Conversion to Anthraquinone as a Base for Anthraquinone Dyes.


1 Department of Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, Myianeh Branch

2 Esfahan Nuclear Technology Center, Advanced Alloy Products


This study illustrates the production of high-pure anthraquinone from crude anthracene that is used as the base of anthraquinone dyes. This valuable product has not been produced in Iran, and as a result of presence of carpet and textile industries in this country, it would be necessary to make such a product. In this research all anthraquinone production methods, which include the production anthraquinone was studied. It is concluded that the best method is the use of anthracene as raw material, which after purification, should be oxidized by chromium trioxide to anthrquinone. Finally, the production of anthraquinone with high purity was tried. Also high-pure anthracene was produced as a valuable intermediate product from anthracene with the purity about %40.
