Determination of the Dye Content in Bicomponent Dye Mixturers by Ratio Spectra Derivative Method (peak to peak)


Textile Engineering Department, University of Guilan


In the present work, ratio spectra derivative method (p-p) was used in order to determine the dye contents in different bicomponent dye mixtures prepared with three dyes of yellow, scarlet and red colors. The difference between neighboring extremmum values at derivative ratio spectra of bicomponent mixtures of the dyes were used for determination of dye content. The obtained recovery factor, absolute error and relative error by using the proposed derivative technique and normal methods were 99.287, 0.000033, 1.118 and 112.82, 0.00622, 22.693 respectively. The analysis of obtained results via the proposed derivative and normal methods show higher accuracy of the developed method in determination of bicomponent dye solutions.


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