Civil and Environmental Eng. Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University
Acid red 14 is an azo dye which is used widely in textile industry and due to its high consumption, is a serious environmental hazard so that in recent years, a lot of research has been done on the photocatalytic removal of azo dyes from water with nanocomposites. In this research, TiO2/Fe3O4/CNT nanocomposite was synthesized with the sonochemical method and the photocatalytic removal of acid red 14 dye was investigated in a batch reactor by OFAT method. The morphology and structure of the nanocomposite were characterized by FESEM and EDS analysis. The optimum efficiency of 96.53 for AR14 was achieved under following conditions: dye concentration of 50 mg/L, nanocomposite concentration of 0.5 gr/L, Dissolved oxygen concentration of 7.4 mg/L, pH= 7, 120 W/m2 irradiation intensity and the reaction time 6 hours. Also, the removal of photocatalytic dyes by TiO2/Fe3O4 nanocomposite showed TiO2/Fe3O4/CNT nanocomposites had better performance in dye removal than TiO2/Fe3O4 nanocomposite. It was also found that the dye removal mechanism with a regression coefficient of 0.9597 had the most overlap with the pseudo first-order reaction.
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Vakili Tajareh, A. , Ganjidoust, H. and Ayati, B. (2019). Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye Acid Red 14 from Water By Magnetic Nanocomposite Tio2/Fe3o4/Cnt. Journal of Color Science and Technology, 13(1), 75-87.
Vakili Tajareh, A. , , Ganjidoust, H. , and Ayati, B. . "Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye Acid Red 14 from Water By Magnetic Nanocomposite Tio2/Fe3o4/Cnt", Journal of Color Science and Technology, 13, 1, 2019, 75-87.
Vakili Tajareh, A., Ganjidoust, H., Ayati, B. (2019). 'Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye Acid Red 14 from Water By Magnetic Nanocomposite Tio2/Fe3o4/Cnt', Journal of Color Science and Technology, 13(1), pp. 75-87.
A. Vakili Tajareh , H. Ganjidoust and B. Ayati, "Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye Acid Red 14 from Water By Magnetic Nanocomposite Tio2/Fe3o4/Cnt," Journal of Color Science and Technology, 13 1 (2019): 75-87,
Vakili Tajareh, A., Ganjidoust, H., Ayati, B. Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye Acid Red 14 from Water By Magnetic Nanocomposite Tio2/Fe3o4/Cnt. Journal of Color Science and Technology, 2019; 13(1): 75-87.